The Palmetto Battalion The Civil War
Reenactors Organization
of South Carolina
Event Schedule
May 2023 - December 2023

To maintain Battalion voting priviledges, a member must attend three events. Two of the events must be affiliated, the third may be an other.

Sponsored Event - Event planned and out on by Palmetto Battalion. Battalion Command structure in place for event. Any proceeds from event goes to Battalion. Battalion responsible for event insurance and any loss of revenue. Attendance credited to dues paid members for voting privilege.

Affiliated Event - Event done by member unit of Battalion, or any organization Battalion may be member. Battalion command structure is in place for Battalion. Attendance credited to dues paid members for voting privilege. Includes maximum effort out of state events.

Other - Any event Battalion participates upon invitation from sponsoring unit. Battalion command structure may or may not be recognized. Attendance credited to dues paid members for voting privilege.

Information Only - Event sponsored by another unit in which members may or may not participate. Attendance NOT credited to dues paid members for voting privilege.

May 6   Confederate Memorial Day Columbia, SC Affiliated Info
May 19-21   Bost Grist Mill Concord, NC Other
Jun 3   Secession Hill Abbeville, SC Other
Jun 22-25   160th Gettysburg Gettysburg, PA Affiliated
Sep 22-25   160th Chickamauga Lafayette, GA Other
Oct 20-22   Cedar Creek Middletown, VA Info
Nov 3-5   Cain Creek Lancaster, SC Affiliated Coming Soon